The Impact of USAID Cuts on Tanzania: Job Losses, Healthcare Disruptions, and the HIV/AIDS Crisis

The recent USAID funding cuts have had far-reaching consequences for Tanzania, severely impacting healthcare services, employment, and the supply chain of antiretroviral (ARV) medications crucial for HIV/AIDS treatment. These cuts have triggered widespread job losses in the healthcare sector, led to the shutdown of vital health organisations, and disrupted the ARV distribution system, putting millions of lives at risk.

For us at Cedar Tanzania, we immediately lost our three nurses dedicated to HIV/AIDS counselling and ARV distribution. These nurses were funded by ICAP, which saw their funding cut from one day to the next.

We are trying to re-hire one of the nurses by scraping funding from our other projects.

Of course, we are not the only ones. This is happening at every clinic across Tanzania.

Massive Job Losses in the Healthcare Sector

USAID has long been a key financial supporter of Tanzania’s healthcare workforce. However, the abrupt termination of funding has left thousands of health workers unemployed. As a result of the cuts to USAID, approximately 5,000 healthcare professionals, many directly involved in HIV and malaria prevention programs, lost their jobs without warning. These job losses have affected essential services, particularly in rural and underserved communities, where medical support is already scarce.

Adding to this crisis, ICAP at Columbia University, a leading organisation in HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention, has been forced to shut down operations in Tanzania due to the funding halt. ICAP has been instrumental in providing HIV testing, counseling, and ARV treatments. Its closure has left countless medical professionals jobless and has caused major disruptions in HIV/AIDS care.

Disruptions in HIV/AIDS Treatment and ARV Supply Chain

Tanzania has made significant progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS, with approximately 1.4 million people relying on ARVs to manage the disease. However, the USAID funding cuts have severely disrupted the ARV supply chain, creating significant obstacles in procurement, distribution, and patient access.

The Ripple Effect: Rising HIV Transmission and Drug Resistance

Interruptions in ARV treatment have severe consequences. When patients miss doses or stop treatment altogether, the virus can become resistant to medication, making it harder to treat in the future. This is a really scary scenario. Not only will future treatments of individual patients become harder, it will also increase the likelihood of new infections. Remember the AIDS pandemic in the 1980’s?

The Global Health Council has warned that the termination of USAID grants could result in millions of preventable deaths worldwide, particularly among populations dependent on HIV/AIDS treatments. Experts fear that Tanzania may see a resurgence of HIV infections, reversing years of progress in combating the epidemic.

The Future of Healthcare in Tanzania

The USAID funding cuts have already destabilised Tanzania’s healthcare sector, leaving thousands of health workers unemployed and millions of people without access to HIV/AIDS treatment. The country risks facing a major public health crisis unless alternative funding sources are secured.

International organisations, private donors, and global health agencies must step in to prevent further devastation. Without urgent intervention, Tanzania (and the rest of Africa) may experience a sharp increase in HIV-related deaths, a rise in new infections, and the collapse of critical healthcare infrastructure.


The USAID funding cuts have not only impacted Tanzania’s economy by causing mass job losses but have also placed the lives of over a million people living with HIV/AIDS at risk. The collapse of organisations like ICAP and the disruption of the ARV supply chain highlight the fragility of donor-dependent healthcare systems.

As Tanzania navigates this crisis, global health stakeholders must come together to find sustainable solutions. Whether through diversified funding sources, increased government investment, or private sector partnerships, action must be taken now to preserve the progress made in the fight against HIV/AIDS and ensure that Tanzanians continue to receive the healthcare they need.

We want to continue serving our communities of 35,000 residents, but to do so, we need replacement funding for our three nurses and a steady supply of ARVs.

Can a GP be a volunteer?

Hi everyone.

My name is Sian Ashby, and I am a GP (family doctor) from the UK. I was brought up in the beautiful Scottish borders, studied Medicine at Glasgow University and then completed my GP training in London. I had always wanted to work abroad as a doctor, so after finishing my GP training I chose to study the Diploma of Tropical Medicine in Liverpool, and it was here that I first heard about Cedar Tanzania.

What inspired you to volunteer with Cedar Tanzania? 

I was struck by Cedar Tanzania’s holistic approach to care. On looking at their website, I could see that they understood the importance of health and well-being in a broad sense, rather than being entirely disease-focussed. Cedar Tanzania approaches community well-being from many angles - health, education, female empowerment and entrepreneurship - and understands that tackling all of these factors is crucial if the community is to flourish.

From my research it seemed that Kamanga Health Centre, the health centre jointly run by Cedar Tanzania and the government, was a good fit for a GP, as there were many parallels in the types of patients seen. Of course, I knew that there would also be tropical illnesses which I had never encountered, and I hoped that I might increase my knowledge of tropical medicine by working in Tanzania.

On contacting Cedar Tanzania, I found the staff to be welcoming and accommodating. They were keen and enthusiastic about my voluntary placement and this naturally increased my own excitement!

How long is your volunteer placement?  

6 months provisionally.

What is your role at Cedar Tanzania?

My official title is ‘Volunteer Health Centre Advisor’. It’s a fairly flexible role, but for the most part I am working alongside the Quality Assurance Officer at Kamanga Health Centre, putting policies in place to improve the quality of care. I also work alongside the Tanzanian clinical staff, exchanging knowledge and skills, and I give regular teaching sessions. I hope that as my Swahili improves I will be able to practice medicine independently at the health centre.

Can you mention highlights of some of the activities that you have been involved in whilst you have worked for Cedar?

We have recently set up a teaching program here at Kamanga Health Centre and one of my personal highlights was the neonatal resuscitation training which I ran. We used dolls to role-play and simulate neonatal resuscitation, which was both fun and educational. At the health centre we deliver on average one baby a day (and the numbers are increasing) so it is vitally important that the staff are well trained on how to react if a newborn baby does not breath spontaneously.

Another highlight was the World Aids Day Fair organised by Cedar Tanzania. At the fair there were stalls offering HIV counselling and testing, free condoms, and information about the health centre and Cedar Tanzania projects. There was dancing, drama, and even a ‘catch-the-chicken’ game. But most importantly over 500 people were tested for HIV in a safe and non-judgemental environment.

What things have challenged you so far?

One of the main challenges has been the language barrier. I am currently learning Swahili but it is a slow process... I find it incredibly frustrating not being able to understand the patients, particularly if they are distressed and in need of assistance. I am constantly running around trying to find someone to translate which gets quite exhausting!

The health centre staff do speak English but many are not fluent, so we too have trouble communicating. Getting to the root of an issue is much more difficult when you do not speak the same language! If you are considering coming out to Tanzania, I would advise you to start learning Swahili as early as possible!

The other main challenge which I have noticed is the difference in healthcare economics. Coming from the UK, I am used to the National Health Service (NHS) which provides free healthcare for all UK citizens. Treatment is entirely based on need and not on personal finances. However, here in Tanzania there is a division – those who are exempt and those that have to pay for healthcare. The exempt group includes pregnant women, children under five years old, people over the age of 60 who cannot support themselves and people with chronic diseases like HIV and TB.

Although treatment at Kamanga Health Centre is relatively cheap (government prices), for those not in the exempt group, we still have to make management decisions based partly on the patient’s finances, which is something I find difficult. Sometimes patients cannot follow your advice because they simply cannot afford to. For example, we recently saw a patient with a large abdominal mass who required onward referral to a specialist hospital. However she could not afford to attend the hospital and pay the fee for the necessary imaging and surgery. Instead she returned a week later, the mass having increased in size and the pain having subsequently worsened. This is truly heartbreaking to see, and makes me really value the NHS.

What things have you found enjoyable or surprising about Tanzanian culture either socially or at work?

The Tanzanian people are incredibly welcoming. The health centre staff have been wonderfully accommodating and friendly towards me since my arrival and I have really enjoyed working here thus far.

Socially I love the culture of dancing.  In general Tanzanians seem to have a fantastic sense of rhythm and tend to be incredible dancers! The staff at the health centre have been trying to teach me (without much luck).

Through my work I have noticed that Tanzanian families are much more close-knit than at home. Grandparents usually live together in the house with the parents and children, and they help to care for each other. I think that this is something which has sadly been lost in the UK. I certainly noticed as a GP in London that I visited many elderly people whose children lived thousands of miles away and who were thus unable to care for them. I noticed a huge burden of loneliness, particularly amongst the elderly, but also amongst young people living and working in London - a city with so many people! Perhaps we need to regain the closeness of families and communities in order to reduce the escalating rates of loneliness, anxiety and depression in the UK.

To counter this, I have noticed that here in Tanzania there is very little, if anything, in the way of social support for those without the means to look after themselves. So if, as an elderly or disabled person, you do not have a supportive family then there is no support network to help you survive. We have encountered some difficult cases of disabled patients who have been mistreated or neglected, and this is very challenging work. This is why the work of the Outreach Team (the community-based rehabilitation project  run by Cedar Tanzania) is so important in providing support for those with disabilities.

What would you say to anyone who said that they could not volunteer because they didn't have a skill to offer?

Most people have something to offer. Speak to the Cedar Tanzania team and find out what skills they are looking for! It’s a really rewarding and fun place to work!

If Sian’s experience has whet your appetite to volunteer for Cedar Tanzania then begin the journey with this first step



Seeing poverty on a daily basis cannot but leave an impact. 

Of Tanzania’s 57 million people, 49% (26 million people – the same as Australia’s population) are living on less than $1.90 a day. This is the international definition of severe poverty.

Most Tanzanians, 90% of the population (more than 51 million people), are living on less than $5 a day. 

That’s about the amount you spend on a take-away coffee.

When you are poor, education is an expensive investment. Research shows us that often families chose to focus that investment into one child.

4 little girls.png

That one child is most often a boy. Since he is the one you have betted on, he is likely to be the one who gets to eat first. This is an important fact as 38% of children under 5 in rural areas are stunted[1] due to malnutrition, prolonged and repeated infections, and untreated worms and parasites. Children, who doesn’t get enough food to grow, and who has to share this scarce nutrition with worms and parasites, are not likely to be able to focus on learning and schoolwork.

More than 90% of Tanzanians rely on ‘unimproved sanitation facilities’. That means no access to a bathroom or a toilet but a hole in the ground or nothing at all. ‘Doing your business’ behind a bush or in a lake is therefore not uncommon. This is the main reason we see continuous infections of worms, parasites and other waterborne diseases such as typhoid. In fact, something as simple as diarrhea is the biggest killer of children under 5.

Tanzania has a law banning teenage girls from continuing education should she fall pregnant. This rule remains also after she has given birth. Teachers will lose their jobs if they are found teaching pregnant girls leading to compulsory pregnancy tests at school. 

Abortion is also illegal and therefore not an option. Even so, 42% of girls aged 15-19 living in poverty have already had a live birth or are currently pregnant.

On top of that, 11,000 Tanzanian mothers die during childbirth every year. That is one woman every 50 minutes.


Australia for Cedar Tanzania is creating sustainable positive change for the residents of Nyamatongo Ward.

We built a hospital from scratch. 

We bought the land, we constructed the buildings, we sourced the medical equipment needed and now we run the day-to-day management and quality assurance. 

We service 30,000 residents and tend to over 1,200 patients every month. Every month we vaccinate and give free health checks to 200 children and babies under 5. A baby is born at our hospital every day.

Outreach Team in front of KHC.png

To be able to deliver healthcare to every single person in our area we taught a group of medical professionals to ride off-road motorbikes. Our mobile medical team are focusing on people with disabilities, children and community education.

Through educating and engaging community activists speaking to fellow residents about the benefits of equality and equity we have seen a decrease in violence against women and in new HIV cases in married women.

We teach local members of the community to deliver our youth project. Through soccer we are giving teenagers, both girls and boys, a space where they can discuss subjects like sex, puberty and gender roles freely. At the same time provide education on HIV prevention and offer free voluntary testing.

As I mentioned before, young women who fall pregnant can no longer go to school. They are caught in a poverty trap and often also ostracized by their families. We are providing them with basic skills such as sewing, basic business management and market research. This gives them an opportunity to earn a living and to have a social network in each other.

Actually, “we” didn’t do all of this.

YOU did. YOU made all of this possible. YOU changed lives. YOU built a hospital. YOU are delivering mobile healthcare. YOU are making sure women are safe in their own homes. YOU are teaching teens about HIV/AIDS. YOU are helping young women to support themselves.

YOU can make sure these projects continue and getting many more projects off the ground in 2021.

This is how Changing Lives Begins with You.

[1] Stunting is when a child has a low height for their age, usually due to malnutrition, repeated infections, and/or poor social stimulation. The World Health Organization categorizes children who are stunted as those whose height is lower than average for their age, and at least two standard deviations below the WHO’s Child Growth Standards Median. 

The real-world impacts of stunting ripple well beyond linear growth. A stunted child may also have a poorer immune system, brain function, and organ development. Performing below average in these areas may also limit their future productivity and threaten the health of their future children.

Stunting cannot be reversed but can be prevented!

What Abduli Does

Abduli, Cedar Tanzania’s Field Officer, shares his important role in the village of Kamanga. He is part of the SASA! team that works to address the sensitive issues of gender based violence in communities and he leads our TackleAfrica project, which strives to educate young people about the issues surrounding HIV/AIDS and sexual health.

Three Months of Caring in Numbers

In January, Kamanga Health Centre celebrated its second birthday and we are proud to say that we continue to provide quality medical service to the people of Nyamatongo Ward. To give you an idea of the scope of work of Kamanga Health Centre here are some numbers and insights:

  • On average, Kamanga Health Centre sees more than 1,200 patients each month. The most common diseases are pneumonia, upper respiratory diseases, urinary tract infection and diarrhea. The majority of patients is treated in the Outpatient Department while around 200 are admitted monthly. 

  • Almost every day a baby is born at Kamanga Health Centre! On top of that, between 50-100 pregnant women attend the antenatal clinic for check-ups each month. Additionally, Kamanga Health Centre offers family planning services. 

  • When Kamanga Health Centre is really crowded, we know it’s vaccination day! One of the most popular services Kamanga Health Centre offers is the vaccination clinic for children. More than 200 children get vaccinated each month against tuberculosis, polio, PCV13 (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine), rotavirus, measles-rubella, and pentavalent vaccine, a combination vaccine which includes: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type b

  • In Q1 2020, more than 400 people made use of the free HIV testing service offered at Kamanga Health Centre. Moreover, between 200 and 250 patients per quarter come to us for regular HIV counselling and treatment. This is a vital service as it provides care to HIV-positive community members and the life-prolonging antiretroviral drugs are administered. 

  • To ensure quality health care services and to promote learning on the job, medical staff who have special knowledge and skills in certain areas teach their colleagues in weekly sessions. These are some examples of the topics that have already been covered: critical First Aid care, identification of hydrocephalus in a new-born and, of course, symptoms of and protection against COVID-19.

  • Since the beginning, Kamanga Health Centre works with a group of dedicated Community Health Workers who provide information and knowledge via a community outreach programme. They raise awareness about HIV/AIDS, provide information on the prevention of different diseases and regularly check-up on expecting mothers. In Q1 of 2020, almost 600 households were visited!

  • We have an ongoing stream of dedicated western trained medical staff who volunteer at Kamanga Health Centre and support our local team. In Q1 2020, we had our first nurse volunteer.  

We are proud to be able to provide such extensive services to a community in which these services were non-existent a little over two years ago. With your support, we hope to be able to expand our set of services continuously which would allow to serve even more people.

If you want to know more about Kamanga Health Centre or have specific questions, please contact us here You can also find out more about our volunteer options here

By Vivian Nordquist
Director of Projects
Cedar Tanzania

HIV Awareness Campaign in Nyamatongo Ward

HIV awareness campaign talk in a village in Tanzania

In Tanzania, like in most Sub-Saharan African countries, HIV/AIDS is a major public health concern. The worldwide majority of 68% of HIV-positive people live in Sub-Sahara Africa with the highest prevalence in East and Southern Africa. In Tanzania, 1.6 million people are living with the virus, whereby women are more affected than men. In order to address this severe health issue, Cedar Tanzania implements a number of projects in Nyamatongo Ward. Read more about Tackle Africa and our annual event commemorating World AIDS Day

After several community members as well as local leaders approached us to further support the education of the community around HIV/AIDS, we have developed and implemented an awareness campaign from October to December 2019. In collaboration with the Community Health Workers, our Field Officers Jacqueline and Consolatha conducted interactive community dialogues in 14 locations across the whole ward, covering all hamlets. Our aim was to demystify the virus, inform about the transmission and prevention of HIV and offer free testing on-site, provided by Dr Neema from KHC. This should contribute to the overall goal of a more informed and open society which empowers people living with HIV/AIDS.

In total, 547 community members attended the dialogues whereby 325 received Voluntary Counselling and Testing services. In order to understand the increase in knowledge after the dialogues, baseline and endline surveys were conducted.

infographic Transmission of HIV/AIDS

One of the highest increases were found for the question “Can breast-feeding transmit HIV from mother to child?”. Before the dialogue only 67% of participants knew that indeed, breas-tmilk is among the fluids that transmits HIV. After the dialogue, 89% knew the correct answer. Additionally, the community learned that HIV cannot be transmitted through mosquito bites, saliva, shaking hands or kissing. Another focus of the dialogue was the prevention of transmission which can be supported by condom use and Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision. Before the dialogue, only 61% of participants knew that Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision reduces the risk of contracting HIV. After the dialogue, this number increased to 87%. Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision is offered at KHC and is proved to reduce the risk of female-to-male transmission by 60% (Source:

Moreover, the community was informed about the fact that, once infected with HIV, it is more likely to contract other diseases. The scores increased from 77% to 89%. The community learned that antiretroviral treatment can increase life expectancy of an HIV-positive person significantly and that the treatment is available free of charge at KHC.

All in all, the results were really encouraging as, on average, 84% correct answers were given after the dialogues. The knowledge of participants increased significantly in all areas: transmission, prevention, intimate partner relations as well as HIV-positive status. Nevertheless, we need to continue our efforts in the fight against HIV and are currently exploring additional methods to reach even more community members. If you want to support us in this endeavour Take Action

Match day in Kamanga!

After the holiday break Cedar Tanzania started sporty into the new year. On the 18th of January 2020, we hosted the Cedar Tanzania-TackleAfrica tournament for all our coaches and young players who are participating in the initiative which combines football with sexual and reproductive health and rights education.


The Cedar Tanzania team was off to an early start: crossing Lake Victoria from Mwanza to Kamanga together with tents, chairs and a sound system. Some coaches and their teams were already on the pitch warming up when we arrived. You could feel already that the teams were keen to start playing–and eager to win. To make it easier for the teams who live far to reach the field, a small bus was hired to pick them up and bring them to the pitch. Due to heavy rains and soaked soil, the bus got stuck next to the pitch – fortunately, the driver managed to pick up all teams before he got stuck.

When all 14 coaches had registered their teams with 20 players each – a total of 280 participants – the first of 18 matches of the group phase was kicked off. Throughout the day, the Cedar Tanzania team raised awareness on the importance of knowing one’s HIV status. Because once someone knows that she or he is HIV positive, they can receive proper follow-up care and benefit from life-prolonging antiretroviral treatment. To that end, a dedicated team from Kamanga Health Centre offered free voluntary counselling and HIV-testing services all day long. It was a huge success with 218 people tested, mainly young people participating in the programme.

The whole Cedar Tanzania team participated in the tournament, everyone was involved in one way or another. Our Accountant Steve and Project Manager Dylan demonstrated their skills (and stamina!) as referees, our medical volunteer, Dr. Vasanth, was able to follow-up on his regular profession by supporting us as First Aider and most importantly, our Field Officers, Abdul, Wakili and Mussa, did a great job in coordinating the event from linesman to lunch.

After 18 matches the group phase was over and eight teams remained in the fight for the championship. The games were only interrupted by a herd of cows and goats that were led to their respective feeding grounds – with a shortcut through the playing pitch. Whilst the matches were being played, the bus was still stuck in mud, even after multiple attempts to pull it out by various other vehicles. And as the day went on, the poor driver managed to dig the bus even deeper into the ground.

In the late afternoon, the two finalists were determined: Kamanga A United against Mkolani FC. We saw a thrilling final that was only over after penalties and won by Mkolani FC. The winning team was rewarded with brand-new football shoes from adidas who generously donated them to Cedar Tanzania. The players accepted their prizes with proud smiles and celebrated their win with loud chants. After a long day, Cedar Tanzania’s Field Officer Abdul, who was the man in charge of keeping the ball rolling that day, concluded: “It was exhausting, but everyone seemed to have fun and to enjoy the day. So it was absolutely worth it.” 

In the end, even the bus driver managed to get his bus out of the mud, with the kind support of a community member and his truck, and was able to return all the kids back safely to their homes.