Football In ACTion

Reduce HIV/AIDS, increase family planning, Increase gender equality .


Activities and goals:

The popularity of football in Tanzania makes it a great mobiliser to engage with young people regularly in a fun and informal way. We utilise this to educate youths on sexual and reproductive health and rights, gender equality, family planning, and prevention of STIs and HIV/AIDS.

Football in ACTion provides a platform for regular health education with a respected and informed coach and creates a safe space for young people to discuss sensitive issues. The football drills are designed to be interactive and educational, so young people learn about sexual health through play, in a way they enjoy, remember, and understand.

The selected coaches are respected members of the local community of either gender, who have a good rapport with families and adolescents in their villages.

The target group is rural youth of either gender, affected by poverty, with little to no knowledge of HIV/AIDS and safe sex procedures, and at risk of STIs, HIV, and early pregnancy.

The participants will along with increased knowledge of sexual health also benefit from better fitness levels, respect for their peers, and having experienced an environment supporting open and free discussions of feelings and emotions.

Indirectly, this project also targets the wider community as gained knowledge is retained and shareable with families and peers.

Football in ACTion lessens the broad misconceptions and myths surrounding HIV/AIDS and sexual health in general as well as increases the general knowledge on prevention of STIs and unwanted pregnancies.

The Problems it solves:

In Tanzania, the youth population is disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS. Tanzania has a relatively high HIV prevalence rate, and young people are particularly vulnerable. The lack of comprehensive knowledge about HIV/AIDS prevention, transmission, and testing among the youth contributes to the spread of the virus.

Limited access to accurate and comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education hampers young people's ability to make informed decisions regarding their sexual behaviors. This knowledge gap leads to risky sexual practices, increasing their vulnerability to HIV infection.

The availability of youth-friendly health services, including confidential HIV testing, counseling, and treatment facilities, is limited in many areas of Tanzania. The absence of such services hampers young people's ability to seek appropriate healthcare, making it harder to prevent, detect, and manage HIV/AIDS.

Socioeconomic challenges such as poverty, unemployment, and limited educational opportunities contribute to a higher risk of engaging in high-risk behaviors such as transactional sex and substance abuse leading to an increase in unplanned teenage pregnancies and of HIV transmission.

project activity:

Sports-led education on sexual health and rights


1 year




From USD $25,000 per year

Target group:

Youth aged 12-18 years old


Directly: 300+ youths and 20 local coaches

Indirectly: 35,000 residents

We can implement this project, on your behalf, anywhere in Tanzania

Please contact us to discuss your unique situation.

We will customise impact and financial commitment to your specific needs.


Product Sheet