Who, Where, and Why? Our Mission and Vision.
OUR why
Create positive and sustainable change in sub-Saharan communities empowering people to live free of poverty and to have access to quality healthcare services.
OUR how
Delivering impactful and financially sound on-the-ground services reducing poverty and improving healthcare services.
how does it work?
The Cedar Foundation Tanzania (Cedar Tanzania) is our sister organisation, based in Tanzania. We have a full team based in Tanzania and they are the ones implementing our projects and meeting with the communities and residents on a daily basis.
Through Cedar Tanzania we are improving health services, education, empowering women and vulnerable groups and increasing entrepreneurial opportunities in some of the poorest areas in Tanzania.
All funds raised by Australia for Cedar Tanzania is financially securing the implementation of our projects through Cedar Tanzania. Australia for Cedar Tanzania also assists with strategic planning, capacity building and manages our CSR portfolio.
Cedar Tanzania is a registered NGO in Tanzania and has been working in the Nyamatongo Ward in North Western Tanzania since 2014.
Australia for Cedar Tanzania is registered with Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC) in Australia since its formation in 2018.
Explore our current projects here:
We enable you to make positive and sustainable change in sub-Saharan Africa through trustworthy and impactful solutions.
What do we offer you?
ESG Goals
We assist companies in reaching their ESG goals in an easy and impactful way.
We create pathways for engagement and value alignment throughout the process.
We provide clearly defined targets and well-documented results.
Tangible impact
We give individuals a tangible and impactful way to make a positive and sustainable change for people living in severe poverty.
We create a pathway to create this change with minimal administrative layers between donation to beneficiary.
Financial sustainability
We work towards becoming fully self-funded through establishing entrepreneurial projects with internal revenues as well as solving poverty and healthcare issues.