Changing Lives One Mask at the Time

With COVID-19 getting more prevalent on the African continent and therefore also in Tanzania we are in urgent need of personal protective equipment (PPE) to keep our medical staff safe at Kamanga Health Centre and to continue to provide quality care to the people of Nyamatongo Ward. Most of which have no access to running water or electricity and is experiencing severe poverty.

We do not have the ability to test for COVID-19, nor do we have ventilators, but we will treat people according to their symptoms and refer patients to larger regional hospitals if it is needed.

With the urgently needed Personal Protective Equipment we will be able to safely continue to conduct quality care and lifesaving treatments to the population of Nyamatongo Ward. We will be able to continue to provide a safe environment for women to give birth and for children under five to receive their regular check-ups and vaccinations even during the time of a pandemic.

This will minimise the risks of an uncontrollable spread of COVID-19 in Nymatongo Ward where essential measures as handwashing and social distancing isn’t feasible along with establishing new sanitising routines and an opportunity for us to inform the population about the importance and benefits of sanitation and hygiene. 

It will also assist us in further minimising risk of spreading other waterborne diseases such as diarrhoea and typhoid. With a minimised risk factor, we will experience fewer overall COVID-19 cases and fewer severe cases needing transfer to larger hospitals. Transfers in itself poses an added risk factor which is desired to avoid. Pneumonia is one of the most common diseases we see also prior to the Coronavirus pandemic.

You can see a breakdown of the needs on our appeal presented on Australian Communities Foundation website.

By Nina Hjortlund
Founding Director/CEO
Australia for Cedar Tanzania

Bamboo to the Rescue

It’s raining and muddy and you could almost use a canoe to get to the hospital entrance. The rainy season is seems endless this year and the lake has risen to unseen levels. We are struggling with more than just COVID-19.

As everywhere else in the world, Tanzania has enforced restrictions on social gatherings and is encouraging social distancing as well as good hand hygiene. Research is showing that most African countries are about one month behind Europe when it comes to the spread of the Coronavirus.

As we continue to provide lifesaving services to the population of Nyamatongo Ward in the North-Western Tanzania, we are faced with the urgent need to provide our staff with surgical masks and other relevant Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). 

The 30,000 people we serve have no other health facility in the area and no other place to give birth, be treated for malaria, get medicine for an infection or to take their children when sick.

Bamboo Rock Drilling came to our rescue and has ensured the purchase of 500 surgical masks and a full set of Personal Protective Equipment. This means we can continue to provide safe and secure medical services to the more than 1,200 patients we treat every month.

Bamboo Rock Drilling is one of our long-standing partners who regularly provides valuable support to Cedar Tanzania’s work.

Australia for Cedar Tanzania, Cedar Tanzania, and the people of Nyamatongo Ward are immensely grateful for the continued kindness and support provided by Bamboo Rock Drilling.

Thank you!

"Bamboo Rock Drilling Group operates throughout the African continent and is focused on empowering local stakeholders. By creating a network of locally registered businesses, engaging with key local selected partners and backed by our years of experience and wealth of knowledge in the sector, we are perfectly equipped for your every mining and exploration drilling need."

By Nina Hjortlund
Founding Director and CEO
Australia for Cedar Tanzania