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Simon Paull

Simon originally hails from Perth, Western Australia and is an experienced Finance & Operational Executive with over 30 years’ experience in the resources and mining services industry, with 20 years being African based. Originally moving to West Africa as the Finance Manager for the Ausdrill Group of Companies, Simon later moved east as Managing Director for Sandvik’s East African operations, based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Simon has experienced firsthand the challenges of everyday life in Africa and has seen how improvements in the quality of Health and Education can be key drivers in improving individuals, families and the wider communities’ quality of life and standard of living.

Simon holds a Master of Commerce and a Master of Business Administration, as well as memberships with the Institute of Public Accountants and the Australian Institute of Directors. Simon’s board level skills and experience in corporate and finance matters both in Africa and Australia, and with his particular focus on governance and regulatory compliance, ensure that Simon is well suited to provide support to the Australia for Cedar Tanzania board.