Australia for Cedar Tanzania

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Do you struggle watching yourself on video?

I sure do…. :D

All I seem to be able to focus on is all the things I didn’t do right. Why did I not look at the camera? OMG, there are so many ‘ehhhms’ and ‘ahhhms’ and ‘sooo’… What happened to my hair? What did I forget to say? Didn’t I just mess up that sentence?

And then there’s my accent :D

I don’t notice my accent when I speak - but gosh, I can hear it when it is played back to me on video.

Oh, and I really should lose some weight too…

Does that sound like you, too?

But what I really wanted to focus on was none of this…

What did I want to focus on Instead?

Lance, from Ninja Digital, is also a Board Member for MCCC, my local Chamber of Commerce. He was very kind to invite me as the first guest on their new podcast, “The Chamber.”

We had a very candid conversation about how Australia for Cedar Tanzania started, what our day-to-day work looks like, and how it is to live without many of those things we take for granted. I wanted to tell you about the differences between living here in Australia and living in Tanzania.

You can watch or listen to the full interview here. It’s 20 minutes long, just about long enough for your commute home.

I also explain how we partner with companies here in Australia and internationally. It doesn’t even need to be a big commitment—$5,000 can make a huge difference.

Swahili Sensations

I share how Swahili Sensations works, how I curate every item, and how I meet the makers. Through Swahili Sensations, we have created a window to the international market that these makers wouldn’t have otherwise had access to.

With every purchase, you support the maker directly, and 10% of all profits are donated back to Australia for Cedar Tanzania.

Have a look here: